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GlazeCRM Blogs

How Opting For Glaze CRM Can Enhance Your Business Sales Efficiency

July 2022, 12

Customers are the King! Without them being the backbone, any business can collapse at a given point in time. Therefore the success of your organization depends on the type of relationship you have built with them. Hence customer relationship

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What Are The Key Functions Of A Customer Relationship Management Software Which Can Help Your Business Grow!

May 2022, 05

The famous management guru once said, “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.”  And businesses, small and large, since then have used a variety of “manual” methods to track potential customers and conne

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How Can You Power Your Marketing and Sales Plans Using The Best CRM Software

April 2022, 26

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software has been there in the industry for a very long time, say mid 90’s. But it has gained real attention over the last decade.  The reason for this sudden popularity is the way consumers have c

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What Are The Top Benefits Of Deploying Best CRM Software To Your Business?

April 2022, 06

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software has become more of a new age "absolutely vital tool" for businesses of all sizes. If you adore proper structure and organization in your business, one key advantage a top CRM software can prov

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How Investing In CRM Technology Can Boost Your Business Growth!

March 2022, 29

The success of any business largely depends on how thoroughly you understand your customers and how quickly you can meet their expected needs. Because maintaining and growing strong customer relationships is an integral aspect of it and is directly i

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